The safari-ready "Explorer Suit" is a nod to the Game Boy puzzler Mario's Picross, while the "Poncho Costume" resembles Mario's duds in the Game Boy edition of Qix (as well as one of his getups in the Japanese-only anime, Super Mario Bros.: Pīchi-hime Kyushutsu Dai Sakusen!). The "Chef Suit" recalls Mario's days baking in Yoshi's Cookie. Many of Mario's other alternate outfits, however, are fairly deep cuts from Super Mario history, and you won't recognize them unless you're a diehard fan. (blue overalls didn't become the official standard until Super Mario Bros. Similarly, Mario's "Classic Suit" makes his overalls red and his shirt blue, just like the clothes he wore in the very first Super Mario Bros. While Luigi, Wario, and Waluigi aren't in Super Mario Odyssey (or, if they are, nobody's found them yet), their green, yellow, and purple outfits are all available for purchase. Make your way up to the top of the hat and spinning Cappy will trigger a small cutscene of appreciation.Some of the costumes are brand new to the Mario series (we don't think that Mario's ever gone goomba-hopping in a wedding dress or a fedora before), while others have pretty obvious origins. Your Reward for Reaching 999 Power MoonsSo what do you get after reaching the 999 Power Moon limit? Well, pilot the Odyssey back to the Mushroom Kingdom and you'll see that Peach's Castle is now adorned with a giant top hat.

540 - Metal Mario Costume (Super Mario 64 era).500 - Gold Mario Costume & Darker Side of the Moon kingdom.Note the caps and costumes must still be purchased from the Crazy Cap Shops for an additional gold coin fee. What Do Power Moons Unlock?Here's a list of what will unlock as grow your tally of Power Moons. Buying those extra Power Moons is going to cost you a lot of gold coins, so here's how you can get rich quick: In order to max out your Power Moon tally to 999 you'll need to buy the additional 119 Power Moons from the Crazy Cap Shops. How to Get to 999 Power MoonsGrabbing all of the Power Moons using the guides listed above will still only get you to a total of 880. Note: the Dark Side of the Moon kingdom will only unlock once you get to 250 Power Moons, and the Darker Side of the Moon when you get to 500. Darker Side of the Moon Power Moon Guide.Here's a breakdown of how to collect every Power Moon in each of Super Mario Odyssey's kingdoms: This is because many Power Moons will not become available to find until certain criteria have been met, such as completing the main objectives in that region or finishing Super Mario Odyssey's main story. Power Moons by LocationWhen you first arrive in each Kingdom, only a certain number of the Power Moons in the area will appear in the Power Moon List.